it`s about Syimah.N

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I am Syimah, students of cosmopolitan College Commerce and Technology taking Diploma in Information Technology.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Statistical Data

What is statistical data?
- organization an collection of Numerical Data.

Types of Statistical Data?
1. Primary and Secondary data.
2. Qualitative and quantitative data.
3. Discrete and continuous.

Primary & Secondary data
- Primary data is data that collected from the sources or the investigator self.  
Example: The doctor give information to the nurse about the disease of patient.

- Secondary data is data that someone else has collected.
Example: The nurse tell the patient about he/her disease which the information of the patient disease is from the doctor.

Qualitative and Quantitative data.
- Qualitative data is data that deals with objects and characteristics and also descriptors which can be observing by someone but can’t be easily measured. Such as color, Texture or smells.

the images show 6 speaker with different color which is purple, black, red, blue, white and green.

- Quantitative data is data that can be measured, such a height, length and width, it can be prices, area and volume and Temperature and humidity. There’s two types of Quantitative data; continuous and discrete

- data can be measured.
  example: The height of building

- data can be counted.
 example:  we can count the apples
Two apples


Keith,G (2005). Quantitative.
wikibooks. (2016). Different types of Quantitative and Qualitative.

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