it`s about Syimah.N

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I am Syimah, students of cosmopolitan College Commerce and Technology taking Diploma in Information Technology.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Measures of Dispersion (Variance & Standard Deviation)

Note: Find µ first 
Ungrouped data
S = Summation Notation (sum of…)
c = the value of the data set
µ = the mean of the data set
n = the number of data points 
Grouped data
S = Summation Notation (sum of…)
fi = Frequency
mi = Midpoint
µ = the mean of data set

n = Sum of frequency

Example 1 (Ungrouped data)
The Maths test scores of five students are: 92, 88, 80, 68 and 52. Find the variance and standard Deviation.

Example 2 (Grouped data)
Find the Variance and Standard Deviation.

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