it`s about Syimah.N

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I am Syimah, students of cosmopolitan College Commerce and Technology taking Diploma in Information Technology.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Permutation & Combination

Number of different ways that a certain number of objects can be ARRANGED in order from a large of objects
  •          Order matter, an ordered list.
  •         Keyword(S): arrangement(s)

Number of different ways that a certain number of objects as a group can be SELECTED from a larger number of objects.
  • Order does not matter, as unordered group/list.
  • Keywords: choice, selection, election.

Note: 0! = 1. there is no zero in factorial function

MathsIsFun.(2014) combinatorics: combinations-permutations. Retrieved from

Retrieved from Sir Habir, Lecturer of Cosmopolitan College of Commerce & Technology. (2016), Permutation & combination.

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