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I am Syimah, students of cosmopolitan College Commerce and Technology taking Diploma in Information Technology.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Measures of Central Tendency (Median and Mode)

Continue of median and mode~ 


The median is middle value of a set of data. Median can be odd or even.

Example 1:
Suppose that there are two class tests and the test scores are below.
Find the media.

Test 1: 80, 90, 25, 30, 60
Test 2: 30, 45, 80, 90, 20, 50

The mode is the value that is most often. It can be more than one mode which called multi-modal.

Example 1:
What is mode for this two set of data.
Set 1: 6, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9      Set 2: 10, 20, 30, 40, 20, 20, 10, 50, 10

Example 2:
The employees of a local manufacturing plant pledged the following donations, in dollars to the United Fund: 10, 40, 25, 5, 20, 10, 50, 30, 10, 5, 15, 25, 50, 10, 30, 5, 25, 45, and 15. Treating the data as a population, calculate the mode.

*arrange the number from low to high, so easy for you to see the same number(often)


Global Higher Education, (2005). C0002 Mathematics (1st ed.). Singapore: Informatics Holding Ltd, 12 Science Centre Road.

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